Camping in tent with vire of campgrounf

Do People Still Go Camping? – Why Camping in Vermont is a Top Vacation

Camping in tent with vire of campgrounf

We get it, people love modernization. But let me tell you, there’s something about camping out under the Vermont sky that you just can’t get from a hotel down the street. Campgrounds offer a slice of life that people are so removed from these days, and one that our souls crave.

Before you roll your eyes about that “our souls crave” bit, let us explain what we mean. Camping is about leaving your phone in the tent and sitting around a campfire at any time of day. It’s about laughing with friends and telling the stories of how you met, your first memories of each other, and the things you never want to forget about. 

Camping gives you space and time to break out a deck of cards, enjoy a local hike, tour a Vermont Maple Sugar Shack, play pool games you had forgotten about, plan scavenger hunts, look up at the stars, and get lost in living. That’s what camping is, it’s about focusing on living.

Camping To-Do List

We’re the camping experts, right? So here’s a little bucket list for the things we recommend for the perfect camping trip. It’s everything from the big stuff you’d never forget to the smaller details you might not even think to notice. And hey, we’ll even give you some of our tips for the very best smores or the funniest yard games we’ve seen families play at our campground.

Build a Fire

smores tips for camping in vermont

You can’t go camping without a fire. Now, it’s not as hard as you think and we certainly don’t expect you to do it just by rubbing two sticks together. With some bits of kindling, maybe some crumpled paper scraps, a few matches, and some bigger pieces of wood once it gets going, you’ll be a fire making pro in no time. We sell campfire kits, logs for your fire, and will even help you get it burning if it’s not going as planned. 

Roast Marshmallows or Hot Dogs

Once you’ve got a campfire, it’s time for the good stuff. Now, here’s the secret to the perfect marshmallow. You have to wait until the fire has died down a bit and you’ve got hot, burning goals. Roasting over an actual flame just never works as well as roasting over the coals. Then, we recommend having some fun with your s’mores. Chocolate is all well and good, but try it with a mint patty or a peanut butter cup. That’s where the magic is. Here are some more tips on the perfect s’more!

Make a Meal Together

There’s plenty of options for snack shacks and going out to eat, but the real fun is cooking together. It doesn’t have to be complicated, but grilled BBQ chicken sandwiches, taco salad, burgers and hot dogs, and a host of other easy meals make the perfect activity and the perfect meal. Spend that time together talking and enjoying every minute of what you’re doing. Camping is about focusing on the now, not the next.

Play Yard Games

Maple Grove Campground in Vermont

You’ve got space around your campsite, but there’s also a huge common area. You can hit up the playground, or you can bring some corn hole, ladder ball, or get creative. We’ve seen families set up their own relay races, have full tournaments of dizzy bat, play volleyball while wearing inner tubes, and even play human foosball. (They set up their chairs like players in foosball and had to kick the ball from goal to goal without standing up.) Take some time to have fun in the sun, even if it takes a little bit of preparation.

Play Card Games

We can’t recommend card games enough. They’re the perfect way to relax, in the sun or the shade, and have everybody together. Get your grandma to teach you her favorite game, invite the kids to be on your “team”, or break into a couple of different groups depending on what people want to play. All we’re saying is don’t overlook the fun that can be had with a deck of cards. It is hands-down one of our favorite things to do at a campground, and we live there all year round!

Tell Stories

Conversation is what it’s all about. You’re spending time with your family, friends, teammates, partner, or someone else. What matters when you go camping is that you tune in to them, what they’re thinking about, and why they are important to you. Thinking back on old stories you had forgotten about, getting the truth about first impressions, and just having an honest and fun conversation is what’s so magical about camping. Let the walls fall down and just value each other. Not into that? Well then you can always throw out some scary stories, just remember that they’re always the spookiest when you say they’re based on true events!

Take Pictures

Finally, take pictures. Of course, you don’t want to be on your phone all day, but these are things you’ll want to look back on. We love seeing pictures of people having fun while they camp, we even have our own Maple Grove Campground Instagram! Take all the pictures in the world and tag us in them, we’d love to see!

What Did We Miss?

Maple Grove Campground camper and tent

We love hearing all about your favorite parts of camping in Vermont. We’d love to hear your favorite card games, campground meal tips, and fun memories with family and friends. It’s all about community, so join ours!

You can find us on Instagram or Facebook as well as joining our mailing list for events, deals, and news!

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